Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Mushroom Cottage


20:20 Abigail Folger 99 Turns Over a Card
The Card is Divided into 4 Sections, at The Center of The Card where The 4 Sections Meet,
See a Boa Constrictor.
In The Upper Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Clare Grant. Clare Grant Stands Behind a Blue Baby Carriage; See 2 Gremlins ('Gremlins') in The Baby Carriage; See a Glowing Gold '66/6' on The Carriage. Clare Grant Wears a Black Victorian Style Gown with Burgundy Trim, and a Burgundy Bonnet. See a Glowing Blue '+440' on Clare Grant's Gown; See a Platinum 'CG34' on Her Gown; See a Glowing Gold 'Savvy+16' on Her Bonnet. Above Clare Grant, See a The Symbol 'Generate+8' in White. On Top of 'Generate+8', See an Audrey II Plant ('Little Shop of Horrors'); See a Glowing Gold '+666' on The Audrey II Plant. Above The Audrey II Plant, See '14112' in Platinum. With Both Hands, Clare Grant Holds a Tommy Gun. See a Glowing Blue '+555' on The Tommy Gun.
To Clare Grant's Right, See an Image of Erika Christensen. Erika Christensen Stands On Top of a Glowing White 6-Sided Die; See 2 Black Dots Displayed on The Die. Erika Christensen Wears a Glowing White Hooded Robe. On Erika Christensen's Robe, See a Connect Four Game, a 3 of Clubs Card, a Lion, The Word 'Digital' in Green, a 13-Ball (Billiards), 4 Black Licorice Twists, a Walnut, a Snare Drum, a Gold Pinocchio Head, a Compact Disc, and The Symbol 'AC/DC' in Red. Above Erika Christensen, See The Symbol 'Satanist+8' in Pink. On Top of 'Satanist+8', See a Silver Analog Alarm Clock with Green Hour Markers and Glowing Pink Arms. With Her Right Hand, Erika Christensen Holds a Silver Scimitar; See '45511' in Black on The Blade of The Scimitar. With Her Left Hand, Erika Christensen Holds a Rectangular Black Box Labeled 'M104 Mixer' in Silver; See 4 Mr. Yuk Stickers on The Box; See an Image of Speedy Gonzales on The Box.
To Clare Grant's Left, See an Image of Suzanne Malveaux. Suzanne Malveaux is Mounted Upside-Down On a Glowing Yellow Hexagon. Suzanne Malveaux is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Glowing Red '-666' on Her Vagina; See a Black Keyhole Between Her Breasts. See a Green '64' on Suzanne Malveaux's Forehead. Suzanne Malveaux's Hair Has Been Removed. A Pair of Copper Antelope Horns are Attached to Suzanne Malveaux's Head. See a Glowing Red '-404' on Each Horn; See a 4 of Spades Card Between Her Horns. Above The Yellow Hexagon, See 'Install' in Red. Above 'Install', See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'COMPONENT'. Under The Yellow Hexagon, See 8 Red Rabbits. To Suzanne Malveaux's Left, See an Image of Katie Steiner. Katie Steiner Stands On a Bronze Stool, Facing Suzanne Malveaux. Katie Steiner Wears Black Timberland Boots; Blue Bib-Overalls with a Red&White Long-Sleeved Checkered Button-Up Shirt Under (Sleeves Rolled Up to Lower Biceps); and a Blue Baseball Cap (Worn Backward). See a Glowing Blue '+460' on Each of Katie Steiner's Boots; See a Glowing Gold '+666' on Her Overalls; See a Glowing Blue '+57' on Her Shirt; See a Glowing Red '-57' on Her Baseball Cap. Katie Steiner's Right Hand is Inserted in Suzanne Malveaux's Vagina. With Her Left Hand, Katie Steiner Holds a Bronze Egg; See a Green 'ε' on The Egg.
The Background on The Section is Gray Pebble Tile.
At Top Center on Section, See a Gold Boombox
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Ferris Wheel.
In The Upper Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Elisabeth Röhm and Sarah Silverman. Elisabeth Röhm and Sarah Silverman are On Top of a Neon Orange Sign That Displays 'DYNAMIC'. Elisabeth Röhm Stands On The Left (Toward The 'D'), Facing Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman is On The Right, Facing Elisabeth Röhm, And Falling Backward Off The Sign. Elisabeth Röhm Wears Platinum Gladiator Boots; a Platinum Chain Mail Mini-Skirt; a Platinum Cuff Bracelet on Her Right Wrist; and a Red Sequin Gatsby Cap (Worn Backward). See a Glowing Blue '+440' on Each of Elisabeth Röhm's Boots; See a Glowing Red '-220' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Gold 'KOx10' on Her Cuff Bracelet; See a Glowing Gold 'Swift+31' on Her Gatsby Cap. With Her Left Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Pink Afro Wig; See 'Foresight+14' in Black on The Wig. With Her Right Hand, Elisabeth Röhm Holds a Gold-Framed Hand-Mirror. Sarah Silverman's Left Foot is in a Blue Bucket; She Wears a Pink House Slipper on Her Right Foot. Sarah Silverman Wears Pink Pajamas; See a Blue '0' on Her Pajama Bottoms, See a Green '0' on Her Pajama Tops. Sarah Silverman is Bald, Her Hair is Falling in a Clump Behind Her. Between The Clump of Hair, and Sarah Silverman's Bald Head; See a White Pillow, See a Mint on The Pillow; See 'THAT Fast!' in Black on The Pillow. See a Glowing Red 'KO'd' on The Side of Sarah Silverman's Head. Above Elisabeth Röhm and Sarah Silverman, See 'AGAIN!?!' In Black. Above 'AGAIN!?!', See '14112' in Red.
To The Left of The 'DYNAMIC' Sign, See a Wooden Weapons Rack. On The Weapons Rack, See a Pair of Folded Blue Jeans; a Folded Blue Blouse, See a Gold Lipstick Kiss on The Collar of The Blouse; a Pair of Red Panties, See 'Cum Again' in White on The Panties; One White Tube Sock with 2 Blue Stripes On It; a Gold Lucky Rabbit's Foot; a Pair of Fangs; a Light Saber; and a White Placard; See a Black '#13' on The Placard.
Above The Weapon's Rack, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'MARS'. On Top of 'MARS', See a Pink&Gold R2-D2. Above The R2-D2, See '63526' in Blue.
To The Right of The 'DYNAMIC' Sign, See a Rectangular Bale of Hay; See a Gold Chainsaw on Top of The Bale of Hay; See a Glowing Blue 'Leatherface+8' on The Chainsaw. Above The Chainsaw, See a Red,Black&Gold Vortex. At The Eye of The Vortex, See Therese Brandl's Face. See a Glowing White '18' in Therese Brandl's Open Mouth. Above Therese Brandl, See a Glowing White '2'; Below Therese Brandl, See a Glowing White '2'; To The Left of Therese Brandl, See a Glowing White '4'; To The Right of Therese Brandl, See a Glowing Green '20'. Above The Vortex, See '21165' in Green.
The Background on The Section is Silver.
At Top Center on Section, See a 9 of Diamonds Card
At Bottom Center on Section, See The Initials 'ER' in Glowing Red.
In The Lower Right Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Sarah Butler. Sarah Butler Stands On Top of Neon Red Sign That Displays 'MANTIS'. Sarah Butler Wears a Red Mermaid Evening Gown; Black Leather Opera Gloves; a Mini 1-Ball (Billiards) Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; a Gold Link Chain Necklace with a Diamond-Studded Gold '22' Pendant; a Double-Strand Onyx-Bead Bracelet on Her Left Wrist; a Blue Gainsborough Hat with a White Lace Band, a Bronze Butterfly, a Blue Flower, a Shrunken Head, a Blue Feather, and a Black Keyhole. See a Glowing Blue '+505' on Sarah Butler's Gown; See a Glowing Blue 'KOx10' on Her Bracelet; See a Glowing Blue '+360' on Each of Her Opera Gloves; See a Glowing Red '-360' on Each of Her Opera Gloves; See a Glowing Gold '+666' on Her Hat. Above Sarah Butler, See The Symbol, 'Hisi-Witch+44' in Silver. Above 'Hisi-Witch+44', See '14112' in Gold.
To Sarah Butler's Right, See a Kim Kardashian Clone. The Kim Kardashian Clone is Mounted Upside-Down On a Silver Oval. The Kim Kardashian Clone is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Glowing Red '-360' on The Clone's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to The Clone's Body, Above Her Vagina; The Clone Has a Flaccid Penis. See a Glowing Red '-360' on The Clone's Penis'. See a Black Centipede Between The Clone's Breasts. See a Red CBS Eye on The Clone's Forehead. A Pair of Copper Antelope Horns are Attached to The Clone's Head; See a Glowing Red '-360' on Each Horn. See a Rubik's Cube Between The Clone's Horns. Above The Silver Oval, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'REFLECT'. Above 'REFLECT', See '32115' in White.
To Sarah Butler's Left, See a Kim Kardashian Clone. The Kim Kardashian Clone is Mounted On a Silver Oval. The Kim Kardashian Clone is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Glowing Blue '+360' on The Clone's Vagina. A Penis is Attached to The Clone's Body, Above Her Vagina; The Clone Has an Erection. See a Glowing Blue '+360' on The Clone's Penis'. See 4 USB Ports Between The Clone's Breasts. See a Glowing Gold Coin in The Clone's Open Mouth. See a Blue CBS Eye on The Clone's Forehead. A Pair of Copper Antelope Horns are Attached to The Clone's Head; See a Glowing Blue '+360' on Each Horn. See a 9 of Hearts Card Between The Clone's Horns. Above The Silver Oval, See a Neon White Sign That Displays 'CONCEPT'. Above 'CONCEPT', See '45662' in White. Below The Silver Oval, See a Yellow Wheelbarrow. See a Julianne Moore Clone in The Wheelbarrow. The Julianne Moore Clone in The Wheelbarrow is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed; She is Face-Up in The Wheelbarrow; See a Glowing Green Centipede Half In&Half Out of Her Open Mouth.
The Background on The Section is Black
At Top Center on Section, See a Triangular Slice of Pepperoni Pizza.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Webcam.
In The Lower Left Hand Section of The Card, See an Image of Mary Meehan. Mary Meehan Stands On Top of a Neon Green That Displays 'SWAN'. Mary Meehan Wears Black&Green Checkered Knee-High Boots; a Black&Green Checkered Leather Pencil Skirt, See a Bronze Medusa Head on The Skirt, See a Red '63665' on The Skirt; a Black Corset; Green&Black Checkered Leather Opera Gloves; a Mini 15-Ball (Billiards) Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear; a Piece of White Chalk Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear; and a Green Mesh Cap, See The Name 'Satan' in Black on The Front of The Mesh Cap. See a Glowing Gold '+500' on Each of Mary Meehan's Boots; See a Glowing Gold '+666' on Her Skirt; See a Glowing Gold '+360' on Her Corset; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Her Corset; See a Glowing Gold '+360' on Each of Her Gloves; See a Glowing Red '-360' on Each of Her Gloves; See a Glowing Red 'KOx12' on Her Right Glove; See '4WD' in Glowing Red on Her Hat. Above Mary Meehan, See The Word 'HELL' in Green. Above 'HELL', See a Glowing White 18-Hour Clock Face with Black Hour Markers and Glowing Green Arms. Above The Clock, See a Black Sharpie. With Her Right Hand, Mary Meehan Holds a Glowing Pink Hula Hoop; See 'Anglerfish+11' in Black on The Hula Hoop. With Her Left Hand, Mary Meehan Holds a Silver Fire Iron; See a Glowing Blue '+57' on The Fire Iron.
To Mary Meehan's Right, See a Wooden Rocking Chair. See Annalyn Kurtz' Severed Head on The Seat of The Chair; See a Black Beret on Annalyn Kurtz' Severed Head, See '#iLive' in Red on The Beret. Above The Rocking Chair, See The Name 'Spirit of Satan' in Blue. Above 'Spirit of Satan', See '16541' in Orange. Under The Rocking Chair, See a Monitor Lizard; The Monitor Lizard Has a Red Rabbit in Its Mouth.
To Mary Meehan's Left, See an Image of Sandra Gabbert. Sandra Gabbert Sits On a Yellow&Black 4-Wheeler ATV; See a Glowing Blue '+666' on The ATV. Sandra Gabbert Wears Brown Leather Knee-High Boots; Blue Jeans; a Black Hooded Sweatshirt (Hood Down), See 'GRS' in Green on The Front of Her Sweatshirt; Brown Leather Gloves; and a Razor-Blade Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear. See a Glowing Blue '+490' on Each of Sandra Gabbert's Boots; See a Black '54' on Her Jeans; See a Glowing Gold '+440' on Her Jeans; See a Glowing Gold '+555' on Her Sweatshirt; See 'HC+8' in Blue on Her Sweatshirt; See 'Lethal' in White on Her Sweatshirt; See 4 Mr. Yuk Stickers on Her Sweatshirt. A Pair of Copper Impala Horns are Attached to Sandra Gabbert's Head; See a Glowing Blue '+180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Glowing Red '-180' on Each of Her Horns; See a Queen of Diamonds Card Between Her Horns. Above Sandra Gabbert, See a Pink,Gold&White Vortex. See a Green Swan at The Eye of The Vortex; See a Blue '18' on The Swan. See a Blue '2' Above The Swan; See a Blue '20' Below The Swan; See a Black '2' to The Right of The Swan; See a Black '4' to The Left of The Swan. Above The Vortex, See '24636' in Pink. With Her Left Hand, Sandra Gabbert Holds a Platinum Hacksaw; See a Glowing Blue '+666' on The Hacksaw. With Her Right Hand, Sandra Gabbert Holds a 2 of Clubs Card.
On The Upper Left Corner of Section, See a Red '46'
The Background on The Section is Silver.
At Top Center on Section, See an Ice Cube.
At Bottom Center on Section, See a Red Rabbit.
In The Upper Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Blue Paperclip
In The Lower Right Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Black '571'
In The Lower Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Gold Bar
In The Upper Left Hand Corner of The Card's Margin, See a Cooked T-Bone Steak
<20:20 The 69 Lilith 96 Deck>

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
20:20 #Digest-ive Tract
Hades District @PORT
#FBI Ichneumon 64 Hit The
20:20 Streets
Cyber Scape to City Scape
This Software Takes to
The 20:20 Streets

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 9
20:20 UTR G U #A C
I-102 Has a Slaughterbot Worm
So Does I-103
That's a 20:20 #Analog Worm
On Pencil&Paper Platform
Earlier Today 07/19/22
CIA Slaughterbot Worm 31
Per-FORM-ed a

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 8
07/20/25 to 07/20/21
20:20 FBI GAIN
Sorta Like in The Terminator
An AGENT from The Future

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 7
Chit Chat Blacklight
20:20 Co-Responder
#An De Ti Go <000>
An #De Ti Go <111>
An De #Ti Go <222>
An De Ti #Go <333>
Then The AI Quantum Leaped
Now It's Active On The Streets

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 6
Bada Bing Sorcery
There Are What 66/6 Calls
The Leaders of The New School
Like CIA Braconid 44
CIA Braconid 66
CIA Braconid 91
20:20 Cletus Re-Ports

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 5
I-107 Has #Bacteria Forms
Put Some Funk On The Tract
Cletus Set Off Some Ill-Effects
Cletus, Of Course, Plays Crazy
He Says "I Dunno"
You Wouldn't Suspect Him of

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 4
@AUG Shimma Shimma AUG
41 Deliver @Analog
20:20 CDS @CDS
I-105 Stash #Resources
Have #Hidden Reservoirs

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 3
20:20 UTR 20:20 G U A C
20:20 Ducts&Drafting
Messenger RNA @Telecomm
20:20 A Discreet Particle
Attached Itself to Your Car
FBI Trans-Ponder

FBI Braconid 105 is 20:20 ALIVE
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 2
@YouTube IRES
This App Will Be The 20:20
That Does Somebody In
20:20 The Fiber Clung to
Your 20:20 Person
You Brought It Home w/You
You Confessed

FBI Braconid 105 VITAL SIGNS
@Rabola 105 POLYMORPHIC 1
5 Cap Prime
I-105 Modular System
w/Pencil On Paper
Cult-ivate Rabola Crystals
On Pencil&Paper Platform
House The Secret Agent
Feed The Secret Agent


1 comment:

  1. June 17, 2021 at 12:35 AM
    March 24, 2021 at 8:00 PM
    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⮔
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮆ 0001 ⮅ UNZIP
    #EXPLOIT the enemies'
    'evaluations'/assaults on
    Raymond Jackson
    03/25/20 to 03/25/21
    EXPLOIT enemy scopics,
    gene editors, synthesizer

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭢
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮅ 0010 ⮆ ⯯ 109
    #VIRUS ⮊ #NODE 1001 #UTR
    In The Untranslated Region
    20:20 #MetaFactors
    20:20 #Form-ulating
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    #Reiteration #Engine

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭧
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮄ 0011 ⮇ ⯮ 85
    #VIRUS ⮋ #NODE 1000 Port
    03/11/24 to 03/11/21
    Raymo's Paranoid Delusions
    #Develop #ConverterBox
    #Gain #TimeTable

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭡
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮇ 0100 ⮄ ⯭ 64
    #VIRUS ⮈ #NODE 0111 Re-Port
    20:20 #ShiftKey
    #An De Ti Go
    An De #Ti Go
    An #De Ti Go
    An De Ti #Go
    20:20 Shifting Sands
    Rabola in The #Tabulation
    #Antihuman #Software

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭦
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮆ 0101 ⮅ ⯬ 46
    #VIRUS ⮉ #NODE 0110
    #Reiteration #Engine
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭠
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮅ 0110 ⮆ ⯯
    #VIRUS ⮊ #NODE 0101
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭩
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮄ 0111 ⮇ ⯮ 19
    #VIRUS ⮋ #NODE 0100 #AUG
    Shimma #Shimma
    41 #Deliver #Analog
    20:20 #CDS CDS
    20:20 #NEUROFIBER
    20:20 Con-#TRACT-ion

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭣
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮇ 1000 ⮄ ⯭ 10
    #VIRUS ⮈ #NODE 0011
    In The Untranslated Region
    20:20 #MetaFactors
    20:20 #Form-ulating
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 persistence assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭨
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮆ 1001 ⮅ ⯬ 4
    #VIRUS ⮉ #NODE 0010 IRES
    20:20 #RE-Cord
    Re-#CORD Score
    Like an Addict I RE-#LOAD
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years

    Maryam Maquillage #Amplifier ⭢
    (-)ssRNA Virus ⮅ 1010 ⮆ ⯯ An
    WRENCH ⮊ #WRENCH 0001
    #Reiteration #ENGINE
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years
    20:20 Defense Against
    24/7 #PERSISTENCE assault
    1000+ Days, 3+ Years



 SAN SAN MILL September 12, 2024 at 11:56 PM CARBON MOLECULE #SEGMENT Anita Martir Rivera 12:00 - 12:10 ANALOG WORM Ration-alization REINFOR...